Best Practice Makes Progress

Break through the glass ceiling of business growth with Trusted Team: rekindle your passion, combat burnout, and drive excellence with our exceptional coaching.


The Trusted Team

The Trusted Team is a coaching and networking programme that can help you develop constant and never-ending improvement in your business, and generate more quality leads by helping you build professional partnerships with Accountants, Solicitors, IFAs and entrepreneurs. We do all of this whilst also injecting even more tax-deductible fun into your business life through events like golf days and weekends away.


For many business owners, the issues of money, profit and growth are the cause of many sleepless nights. Can you afford to market your business to attract new clients? Can you pay your talented team what they deserve and retain their expertise? Will you make sufficient profit to make your endeavours worthwhile and facilitate the lifestyle and company culture you crave?

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One of the keys to building a better practice and achieving repeatable growth is by building a stronger network. The Trusted Team help our members by building genuine relationships with other professionals in practice, so that an organic client referral culture can be achieved. This not only frees up your marketing time and spend, but also means that the sales side of your business is taken care of, giving you the opportunity to focus on your strengths and deliver expert guidance and exceptional service.

We also help our members by showing them the best way to innovate their businesses. One of the best ways to do this is through both coaching and learning from other industry experts in areas like marketing, people management and technology. This of course can be an expensive and time-consuming task, so we do all the leg work for you and bring in a variety of expert speakers and share their knowledge with you through our workshops, coaching and digital resources, all of which help you to boost your profits and expedite your growth.

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Time is our most precious commodity, but sadly it’s something that seems to elude most business owners. Spending every hour working in your business leaves you feeling drained, demotivated and demoralised. The Trusted Team will show you how to revolutionise your working practices through proven systems, empowering delegation tools and collaborative methods to help give you back free time, so you can focus on family, fun and fulfilment.

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But time is not just about delegation- it’s also about making the most of your time spent working. Do you remember the feeling you had when you first started your business? That feeling of excitement and energy is often replaced with tedium and dread, so The Trusted Team will show you how to reignite that fire and learn how to love your business again. We will also show you how to engage your team, so that they are more motivated, positive and productive, which will create an outstanding company culture.

When you are working in the business, you can often become blinkered, and feel stagnant and stunted. Our speakers will share their secrets and techniques to help you break through that ceiling and encourage growth, innovation and a renewed sense of purpose and direction in your business. They will also demonstrate how to nurture a culture of constant and never-ending improvement, which will make the time you spend in your business profitable, creative and fun.

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The Trusted Team have a passion for merging fun with business through our events and activities. Whether you enjoy a round of golf with some fellow professionals, or fancy a weekend away on the piste, we organise a wide range of activities for our members and guests, so that you can meet likeminded individuals, build stronger and more meaningful relationships, but most importantly infuse your working life with fun!

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For us, ‘fun’ also comprises wellbeing and happiness. Wanting your business to succeed can often mean that you direct all of your energy and effort into working. Overtime, this can leave you feeling burnt out, but neglecting your health and wellbeing can have far more severe consequences. Health is something that we are fiercely passionate about, and we will show you how to incorporate some simple changes to keep you energised and fighting fit, both mentally and physically.

When it comes to happiness, it’s important to ask why you first set up your business. Whether it was to follow a passion or to create a better life for you and your loved ones, is your current situation making you happy? Utilising all of our experience and knowledge, we will show you ways to bring back the happiness to your lifestyle and business, so that you don’t just have a more productive and positive team, you also have a far better quality of life, both in and out of the office.

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Want to know more?

Then join one of our free virtual workshops to see what we do in practice.

About Charlie Reading- Founder and Coach

Over the years, Charlie has developed and sold several businesses. Charlie was the founder of Efficient Portfolio, which was named as one of the top Financial Planning firms in the country. He has also written 4 books, including Entrepreneurial Happiness, helping business owners improve their business and life, all whilst taking 3 months off every year. He certainly lives and breathes the principles he teaches!

A keen endurance athlete and multiple Ironman finisher, he is the host of the Business of Endurance podcast, where he interviews the top people from the world of endurance sport to bring their lessons into every day, working life.

He has spoken to audiences all around the world, and combining this with founding The Trusted Team, has empowered his businesses to accelerate their growth, improve their work/life balance and enjoy their work life more.

Want to see how you and your business are performing?

Try the Entrepreneurial Happiness Scoreboard for your free, fast assessment.

Nitesh Bhundia
Nitesh Bhundia
Business Owner

“The contents of this book have helped me and my team in so many ways. The principles taught have a huge impact on you and your business. It is goal orientated, thought provoking and truly insightful.”

Kieron Malloy
Kieron Malloy
Kieron Malloy
“Charlie’s stories are both inspiring and encouraging; the system powerful and simple; and the exercises life-changing. I urge you to not just read it, but action it too.”
Stuart Milton
Stuart Milton
Business Owner
“This book is a must for any business owner. It feels like Entrepreneurial Happiness contains the best elements of the top business books, all in one simple and enjoyable read.”
Carolyn Frostwick
Carolyn Frostwick
"As accountants and business advisers we would highly recommend taking time out to explore the principles of Trusted Team. The simple exercises are extremely effective in helping to think "outside the box'; stimulating new ideas and strategies that can have a transformational impact on your business and your life in general."
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