This will be the last Friday Footnotes before Christmas, and oh the year in fact; hold back the tears, I am sure you will cope. It has a Christmas theme laced throughout, but I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.

TRIBEathlon Podcast

Episode 21: Dean Jackson founded Huub in 2011, a sporting brand which delivers performance enhancing products. Starting out with wetsuits which are sported by some of the world’s top triathletes, including the Brownlee brothers, they then brought this incredible success into the world of track cycling, with the Independent British UCI track team Huub Wattbike.

I wanted to pick Deano’s brains on how they’ve used research and technology to improve our swimming and cycling; but I didn’t expect to laugh as much as I did.

What I’ve been Reading

Having seen Esther Perel speak at an industry conference, and also listened to her on the Tim Ferris podcast, I decided to brave reading her book ‘Mating in Captivity: How to keep desire and passion alive in long-term relationships’. If ever there was a year to work on the relationships with those people closest to you, it was 2020, as we’ve all been spending a lot more time together than we would have ever done before.

Whether speaking or writing, she produces compelling and thought-provoking arguments. Summed up well in The Observer, which said “’At precisely the same moment that you’re being shocked by her, you’re also acknowledging the validity of her ideas. Perel’s ideas are like the chorus of a really good pop song – instantly familiar because they resonate deeply. It’s all rather terrifying in its intuitiveness and its pure rightness’.

What I’ve Been Watching

I’m not normally one for Christmas films; tolerating them rather than enthusing about them. However, I have recently found myself enjoying 2 in quick succession, with The Christmas Chronicles, and The Christmas Chronicles 2.

As family friendly Christmas flicks go, I’d say these are as good as they get.

Ok, they’re not up to the standard of the best Christmas film ever, Die Hard, but it is definitely more family friendly!

Quote of the Week

“It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.”

  • Mother Theresa

Finance Theme I’ve Been Considering

Whether it be in physical exercise, in work or in life, the formula that applies is Stress + Rest = Progress. In sport, if you push your muscles to the limit, you only get growth if they then get some rest. The same applies to us mentally too.

This year in particular has been a tough year for most people from a mental perspective, and so over the coming couple of weeks I hope you can take some time to rest, recuperate and recover, so that you can bounce into 2021 with new vigour having grown as a person. That way you can make huge progress in 2021, whether that relates to your finances, your fitness or your wellbeing. Remember, Stress + Rest = Progress! Merry Christmas.

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