The unbelievable spell of sunshine seems to have come to an end as the lockdown rules are gradually eased. Haven’t the government done well to organise such good weather while we can do little more than exercise and stay home! This week I have been able to get back into swimming, albeit in some unusual open water settings, so there is a loose swimming theme to this week’s footnotes.

What I’ve Been Watching

In a previous Friday Footnote, I recommended Sean Conway’s book ‘Hell or High Water’, where he tells his incredible story of becoming the first man to swim from Land’s End to John O’Groats. This week I was fortunate enough to interview him and, in order learn more about his incredible challenges, I watched On the Edge and Europe or Bust. The former tells the story of him setting the world record for the longest ever triathlon; cycling, running and swimming the entire coast of Great Britain unsupported. The latter recounts him breaking the world record for cycling across Europe; 4000 miles starting in Portugal and cycling to the east of Russia in an incredible 24 days. What I love about watching these challenges is the combination between travelling, adapting to the circumstances and the endurance requirements – both of which are available on Amazon and make compelling viewing.

Podcast I’ve Been Listening To

Even the best in the world need a coach, so bestselling author Michael Lewis (Moneyball, Liars Poker, The Big Short, Flash Boys to name a few) has taken a look into the concept and application of coaches in his new podcast series ‘Against the Rules’.

What I’ve Been Reading

If you want to improve your swimming, no matter your current level, there is no better book to read than ‘Swim Smooth’ by Paul Newsome and Adam Young. Make the most of lockdown by learning or improving your technique.

Safe Open water Swimming

So far, I have enjoyed swimming in Tallington Lakes and the River Nene. As a way to keep safe, and keep your valuables safe and dry too, get yourself a swim bouy with dry bag attached like this.

Quote of the Week

The struggle ends when the gratitude begins.”

  • Donald Walsch.

Swimming can become monotonous, so I’ll often focus on listing 20 things I am grateful for while on a longer swim to help the time pass.

Finance Theme I’ve Been Considering

It’s not so long ago that I was by far the slowest swimmer in the group I regularly train with. Training regularly with the help of an expert designing specific plans for me has meant that I have risen from by far the slowest to one of the fastest. This is the compound effect of regular good habits. Building a great financial future is very much the same.

Putting in place brilliant habits that get your money working harder, saving tax all under the guidance of an expert may not seem to make you huge immediate progress, but research shows it can have massive long term compounded effects. Small marginal gains in each area of your finances can help you build a strong financial future. We have just finished building ‘The 1 Minute Wealth Builder’ a free online tool to help you identify steps you can take to build a better financial future. It also includes identifying the financial equivalent of your swim buoy, just in case the unexpected happens like a cramp in the open water. You can try ‘The 1 Minute Wealth Builder’ by clicking here.

Have a wonderful weekend; hopefully we aren’t getting too wet, other than when venturing into rivers and lakes!

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