TED Talk I’ve Found Valuable
With help from some surprising footage, Derek Sivers explains how movements really get started. (Hint: it takes two.) You can watch it here.
What I’ve Been Reading
The Plant Paradox by Dr Stephen Grundy. For those that want to embrace a vegan diet, I strongly suggest you read this beforehand. Whilst eating a plant based diet clearly has lots of benefits, it would seem that
certain plants, particularly grains and legumes, are actually bad for our health, unless we cook them in a certain way. You buy it here.
What I’ve Been Listening To
I have created a playlist life story; a song for each key stage of my life, and the people who have influenced it. It is then quite incredible listening back to them in sequence. If you are interested, you can see mine
here, although please don’t judge the music!
Quote of the Week
“The only way to fail is to not try.” Charlie Reading.
Finance theme I’ve been considering:
I was speaking to a client on Monday who hadn’t updated their Will, despite getting divorced a number of years ago.Whether you get married, divorced, have a child, or something else serious changes in your life, it is vital you update your Will. Had something happened, the consequences could have been dire. Keep your Will under review!
I hope you are flourishing. Have an outstanding weekend.