TRIBEathlon Podcast

Episode 46: Phoebe Liebling is a Harley Street nutritional therapist, runs the business ‘Natural Nourishment’ and is a self-confessed data geek when it comes to anything to do with health.

In this interview you’ll hear how to improve your performance and health through diet, which are the right supplements and which ones are a waste of your time and money.

What I’ve Been Thinking About

This week I should have been at an annual global conference in New Orleans. Making the effort to travel and changing your perspective combined with hearing speakers from both inside and out of our industry has always helped me think up new ideas for my future, and for the future of the business.

Last year, attending the conference virtually from home just didn’t cut the mustard, so I decided to take inspiration from Bill Gates and Steve Jobs and create my very own ‘Think Week’ in The Lake District during this year’s virtual sessions. I’ve cycled and ran whilst listening to books, consumed the conference content and also caught up on some books and exercises I’ve been meaning to revisit. It is a marked difference to sitting in my home office just watching the guest speakers.

How can you change your perspective, change your working environment or create a more conducive opportunity to think plan your future?

What I’ve Been Reading

One of the books I’ve read this week is Think Again; The power of knowing what you don’t know by Adam Grant. It was the perfect start to my Think Week and really made me question some long-standing beliefs as well as helped me learn more about the art of conversation. A really good read, particularly if you are embarking, or wanting to embark, on a new project.

Podcast I’ve Been Listening To

I mentioned a couple of weeks ago a new podcast a friend of mine has launched called Honey I blew up the business. Last weeks’ episode featured none other than my good self, so if you want to listen to Dan and I chew the cud over what makes Entrepreneurial Happiness, the secret to achieving goals or achieving a better work life balance, give it a go here.

Quote of the Week

“Before you marry a person you should first make them use a computer with slow Internet to see who they really are.”

  • Will Ferrell

Finance Theme I’ve Been Considering

One of the things I watched in addition to the MDRT content was the Raise Your Edge podcast interview of Bill Perkins, the author of Die with Zero. I haven’t read this book yet, but Perkins essentially encapsulates 2 key principals we shout from the rooftops at Efficient Portfolio.

Firstly, the key to a financially successful, fulfilled and happy life is to model your finances, using Lifetime Cashflow Forecasting. There is no point becoming the richest person in the graveyard, dying having worked too long and not being able to enjoy the fruits of your labour. Model your finances, so you can aim to die with zero!

Secondly, don’t wait until you die to leave a legacy, but instead give with a warm hand so that you can see the impact your gifts make, and to ensure they are received at the time of greatest need.

Definitely worth watching, and I suspect the book will be a future Friday Footnotes recommendation.

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