As a business owner or partner in practice, why did you choose to take control of your own career path? Perhaps it was because you wanted to make more money as a result of the effort you put in so that you could create a better life for you and the people around you. Maybe it was because you wanted to create a better work / life balance so that you could spend more time doing the other things that are important to you. Possibly it was because you wanted to spend your time doing what you love, so that it never felt like you worked a day in your life. So, how’s it working out for you?

As an owner of multiple businesses, I have definitely had all of these feelings over the years. In running a successful Financial Planning business, I met a lot of other business owners, and time and again I saw these same concerns cropping up. Perhaps you are like them, in that you are working every hour, you aren’t earning as much as you think your effort deserves, and the fun of being the master of your own destiny has drained away. You just aren’t as motivated as you once were, because you spend less and less of your time doing the activity that you love.


In my free virtual workshop, I will share with you 3 principles that will overhaul your practice and reignite your passion:

Partnerships: Generating Business through Others

As a professional, have you ever felt that you are torn in two directions? Part of you wants to provide an exceptional level of service to your existing clients, but the other part of you wants to generate new business and grow your firm. But which is a priority? Service or sales? How can you find the time to achieve both?

The solution is to work together with other professionals. Working together creates a referral culture, so you can spend less time on marketing, more time focussing on your clients’ needs, and ultimately spend less money generating repeatable business. I will show you how to build this network of likeminded professionals, enhance your level of service and give you more time and profit.


Delegate: Achieve More in Less

Time is our most precious commodity, but sadly it’s something that seems to elude most business owners. Spending every hour working in your business leaves you feeling drained, demotivated and demoralised.

I will show you how to revolutionise your working practices through proven systems, empowering delegation tools and collaborative methods to help give you back free time, so you can focus on family, fun and fulfilment. I will also show you how you can achieve more by actually doing less.


Innovate: Energise the Business

Have you ever felt that your practice lacks the vital energy to grow quickly? Have you felt that your enthusiasm has steadily fell into decline over the years? When you are working in the business, you can often become blinkered, and feel stagnant and stunted, and it’s sadly a common problem for professionals.

In my webinar I will share his secrets and techniques to help you break through the ceiling and encourage growth, innovation and a renewed sense of purpose and direction in your business. I will also demonstrate how to nurture a culture of constant and never-ending improvement, which will boost profits, creativity and overall fun.

People used to strive for power and money, but what are the use of these if you grow to despise your working life? My talk will help you redress that balance and help you to build, innovate and enjoy your practice both now and in the years to come.

Please click the register button below to attend one of our upcoming workshops.

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